04 julho 2010

I would say something, but I can't stop drooling

I know I sometimes sound like a freakin' lesbian (haha, who knows, girls, maybe I'm bi), but pictures like this make me weak...

Remember Leticia Zuloaga? Now, here she is, blossoming and showing off her GORGEOUS body! Is it me or she looks like she has the lower part (hips and waist) similar to Izabel Goulart's (with less defined abs) plus those...hum...intriguing boobs... I know, I know, they're probably fake...but you can't help to stare!

Victoria's Secret, are you copy? THIS is what real people want to see! WOMEN NOT KIDS!!!

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V Magazine Spain summer 2010
Ph. Txema Yeste
Model: Leticia Zuloaga

2 comentários:

  1. That's so much fun that you also admit that ;D Everytime I talk about models I sound like a lesbian, too ;D
    I always say things like "Abbey lee is sooo cute" "natasha is just adorable"
    good that I'm not the only one


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