07 setembro 2010

Shadow and dust

Trying to find my way to light again...it keeps skipping...

pictures taken by my sister: Carolina Sepúlveda

Top: Bershka
Top as a skirt: Colcci
Shoes: Can't remember
Belt: Colcci

Not my most particularly inspired outfit, it's just random, something simple, to use in my grandpa's house...

You won't be seeing these shoes again! I've had then for about 3 years, and I was never able to wear them properly because they're too big! I tried everything, but there's no fixing! This was my last try! I'm going to give them away...

Still no clue whether it's right or not...


16 comentários:

  1. Love your outfit!!! The tshirt is so cool

  2. linda como sempre :)

    espero que oq quer q seja q se esteja a passar, melhore :)
    às vezes são fases pelas quais temos que passar... :/
    custa mas no fundo é tudo um ciclo...fases boas, fase más, fases boas (...) eu sei que falar é facil..e nao estou a ajudar nada...mas so queria tentar plo menos..


  3. you look beautiful and your sister is a great photographer as well!

  4. a saia e um top? explica la isso, nao parece nada! xx

  5. Gostamos de suas fotos! Indicamos em nosso Twitter @ColcciOficial! Um abraço!

  6. u look so fab here!

    lovely top!

    kiss dear


  7. beautiful skirt! and great photos!


  8. Thanks for all the kind words everyone! <3

    @ Kaleido Mind: Serious? My sis is only 13 years old and she was pretty bored doing this... haha... maybe she has a natural talent, idk...

    @ Colcci: OMG! I'm in Colcci's twitter? Jeez...


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