04 outubro 2010

The show must go on!

Giambattista Valli will always be one of my favs... And this collection, despite a bit too simple compared to what he can do, had a hint of softness and delicacy that safe the day!

Givenchy stole the show! I know some people are tired if this gothic vibe, but I LOVE it!!!

Celine was promising, but apart from a few gorgeous laid-back outfits, it was "meh!"

Hussein Chalayan caught me with the simple and rigid silhouettes, combined with an austerity that got me sweating!

style.com, wwd.com and fashiongonerogue.com

1 comentário:

  1. Thank you for that kind comment, it's always hard to keep up the posting with school that runs until 6p.m. but I try ;D

    Because of the whole school thing it's hard to keep track with the new collections I'm still not finished with the NY ones, so thank you for keeping me up to date.


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