24 janeiro 2010

Aspiring Model: João Silva

I may sound suspicious while introducing this aspiring model, but I think he could do wonderfully in fashion world. From my point of view, he's a Mathias Lauridsen + James Dean amazing combo! His eyes, lips and overall look are amazing!
Here's his porfolio in models.com: http://portfolios.models.com/398848/, in case you want to contact him.
I know he sent it to Scoop Models and other agencies in Spain, Portugal and France; I think they would be dumb if they turn him down! I leave you with the pics:

4 comentários:

  1. He's got the looks to be a model but 1m76 :S that's even to short for girls

  2. yea i have to agree with the above me ;/

  3. if he has got potencial the height doesn't matter !!

  4. I think he's got potential & Spanish/Portuguese descent models are really on the rise nowadays.

    As for the height, I can say with 95% confidence that there are quite a bit successful guys out there who are around that height range. So of course height is no barrier. Like one said, it's the personality & presence that counts.


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