03 fevereiro 2011

Hippie glow

I haven't realize my hippie look was one of the looks of the week back in FabSugar! How awesome! :)

Oh, btw, I've received yet other 2!!! Stylish blogger awards from PLAST!C and Fashion Victim Portugal. So flattered, yet again! :)))


Obrigada por mais 2 Stylish Blogger Awards,  PLAST!C and Fashion Victim Portugal! ;)

Ah, have you seen Fashion Breaker's camel post? The one I talked about before? Here it is! She said the most precious words about me! :)

4 comentários:

  1. Oh, que querida, obrigada por falares de mim :)

  2. congrats on the feature:) you look so great.

  3. awww tambem te tinha dado um =)nao sei se chegaste a ver:



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