15 março 2011

I'm opening my arms to you...it's all I want

I'm learning to trust my heart again. To trust his needs and thoughts. He wants you so badly. He actually needs you so badly. You were the one who gently woke him up and made him cry again and wonder "am I alive?". He thought he was dead. I thought that too. He missed a thousand beats. I figured I would be half-dead forever. Condemned to never love again. And yet you came, you put be on your back and said "do this with me", and I walked,  no more patetic crawling, no more hiding in the dark. From now on, I'm what I was meant to be. loved.


Wallflower 1# Ph. Ann He
Model: Remy Ryan

10 comentários:

  1. You chose really beautiful photos, I adore this photoshoot!

  2. Pois eu ainda não tinha blog mas já seguia o teu e tenho uma ideia de teres fotos ou pelo menos mencionares que la tinhas estado=)

  3. thesepics are amazing! and I adore all the outfits!

  4. ADORO! Está tudo perfeito nas fotos *.*


  5. É tão giro o vestido e o lace tank :)

  6. Adorei o texto :) Mesmo. E se foste tu quem o escreveu, estás de parabéns!


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