06 agosto 2012

And the flowers, they were dancin'

picture by me

Coral skirt: Pop Couture | floral shirt: Pull&Bear (stolen from my sister)

I picked these two pieces from my granparent’s tree today.
The tree is old and big, and it has some of the most gorgeous lilac flowers ever,
That cover most f the entrance to the garage.
Maybe one day I’ll show you how pretty they look!

In the meantime, these “fruits” will have to be sufice.


Colhi estas duas pecinhas da árvore mais antiga dos meus avós...
Tem um manto de flores lilases a cobrir a maior parte da entrada da garagem,
que talvez vos mostre um dia!

Para já, terão de se contentar comigo a vestir os frutos que lá encontrei!

Beijinhos e até logo! :)

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