31 outubro 2012

Outfits | Breaking the spell, a Halloween tale

pictures by me

ripped jeans: c/o Romwe | peplum plum top: c/o Ax Paris (similar)
oxblood sandals: Nelly | socks: Blanco

Desde já peço desculpa pela falta de qualidade das fotos...
Tirei-as demasiado tarde, quando já estava um pouco escuro, e a pobre da minha Sony não aguenta!
(estou ansiosa por ter a minha máquina nova!)

De qualquer forma, tinha de vos mostrar esta combinação: top peplum e calças de ganga rasgadas!
Para mim, a forma mais cool de usar este corte.

Dei um pouco de vida ao conjunto adicionando as meias com detalhes dourados.
Sei que muitas de vocês não apreciam, mas eu acho que acrescenta personalidade!

Estão a gostar de me ver de calças de ganga? 

Ah, a história que dá o título a este post está em baixo, em inglês!
No caso de quererem ler uma patetice sem nexo escrita por mim, claro! ;)

Beijinhos e bom Halloween a todos!



Once upon a time, there was this strange, red-haired girl!
She was clumsy, a weirdo, always speaking of peculiar things with no particular relevance.
She was always missing classes too, and people thought she was retarded or something.
What no one knew was that when she was gone, she was suffering the effects of her curse.
You see, when she was little an evil witch casted a spell upon her
and so, she would spend the last days of each month in the form of a clown.
A sad, sad clown, with a distorted smile and that started crying each time it looked into someones' eyes.
At the first year, she would be a clown for only one day. In the second year, two.
And so on and on, until she could stop the curse.
If she wouldn't, she would be a clown forever.
The only way to break the spell, would be to make someone honestly laugh at her.
She could't do it. For ages, she was too embarrassed to appear in front of anyone.
She avoid going out, and, by the time she was eighteen, she spent most of her days locked in her room.
Her parents suffered for her pain, but were as helpless as her.
They couldn't resist the sadness of her transforming clown, and started crying.
Not one single laugh.
They were starting to getting more and more desperate.
She could't have a life...She just had a few days of humanity now...and she couldn't enjoy them.
One summery day, a boy came. A new neighbor. Someone that didn't knew she was a retarded.
They got to know each other. And something clicked. They spent hours together...
She was so happy near to him. Safe, almost forgetting she was a freak.
When the last days as a human were upon her, she would say she was going to visit an uncle, or her nanny,
and missed him terribly...especially knowing he was just a few meters away.
Then, when classes begun, the excuses grow fewer and fewer, and he got suspicious.
One day, one of those sad days when she was transformed into a clown,
and told him she was sick with something highly contagious, he climbed to her bedroom's window
and saw her there. 
She was lying in her bed, face down, and all he could see were her ginger locks.
So he entered.
As soon as she heard him behind her, she froze.
- Stay away. I'm sick. I don't want to infect you.
- You don't sound sick. You're lying and I wanna know why.
- Go away. I don't want you here.
- I wanna know what's wrong. Why are always gone...Or aren't you?
You've been lying to me and you've been here all the time, right?
He was getting angry now. Worried but angry. He made her sound unreasonable.
She stood silent, hiding her clown face with her pillow.
- Look at me and tell me the truth.
He came closer and touch her.
- NO, stop! I'm a freak, a monster... you shouldn't be near me.
- What the hell are you saying? You're beautiful and I love you.
She was shocked. She never heard that before. (How could she?) Jeez, she never talked much to anyone before.
She didn't knew what those feelings were. Did she love him too? Yes. Oh, that's terrible.
She could never love anyone. Not in this state. Not as a beast.
Soon she would be a clown forever. Fated to never be human again.
- Answer me! I know you feel the same! You do love me, right?
- I cannot love you. Not now, not ever. I do, but I can't.
- Stop it! You're lying to me and yourself. What are you afraid of?
She sigh. 
- I'm not afraid. It's the way things are. If you ever saw me, you would understand.
- I see you. Look at me now.
- I can't, you would cry...everybody cries...no one can ever laugh. And besides...I'm hideous.
- I would not cry...what a non-sense! I love you and I wanna stare at you all day long.
Stop pushing me away! What is wrong with you?! 
Look at me and tell me you don't love me and I'll be gone!
But say it to my face! Say it staring at my eyes and I'll never bother you again!
She got really angry. So hungry that she turned around and faced him:
- Is this what you wanted to see? The freak I am most of the time?
This monster, this sad, pathetic, lonely monster?!
How can I ever be loved! How can you ever love me, if I'll end up looking like this forever?
How can anyone love a beast?! You deserve someone normal... Now GO AWAY!!!
He blinked and stare at her for quite some time.
At those deep eyes, that were still hers. 
He did not mind the makeup, the distorted smile, the thick tears or the fact she started sobbing.
And then, he laughed. A lot. He couldn't stop. 
Her jaw dropped and her tears stopped. Inch by inch, the permanent makeup disappeared.
She was human again. He was smiling at her. He hugged her tight,
and she was in tears again, but tears of joy this time!
- How could you...? How could you laugh? Nobody else could! How?
- Silly, silly, girl...I laughed because when I look upon your eyes, 
I realize you actually thought you were a monster...and that was the funniest thing I've ever heard!
Because I don't care if you look like a clown, a giraffe or a monkey.
When I look upon you and see those deep eyes, there's only you, the girl I love.
They kissed for the very first time, and he cheesily grabbed her in his arms,
slammed the door of her bedroom, and carried her away, mumbling at her ear:
- Let's start living our life, shall we?

Oh my God. I actually made you read this. 
(Tell me you did read and didn't simply skipped my amazing story - not!)
Well, cheesy Halloween stories apart, I loved this outfit:
peplum and denim pants make an awesome combination, don't you think?
Elegance meets laid-back casual!

How are you celebrating Halloween?
(I seriously hope it's not the same way as I am, studying and trying to create Halloween tales!)

Kiss kiss

26 comentários:

  1. Gostei muito do look :) Uma óptima cor para festejar este dia, quem o faz ahah

  2. Tenho de admitir que as sandálias com as meias não fazem o meu estilo, mas de resto adorei o top com as calças :)


  3. Não gosto destas calças com este top, mas gosto dos dois em separado! :)

  4. Adoro os jeans, adoro o top, as sandálias são lindas, e gosto muto de ver sandalias com meias, mas não estas sandálias, não com estas meias... preferia algo mais streamlined, na verdade ;)

  5. Pois não posso dizer que morro de amores por sandálias com meias (meias desse género)... mas confesso que concordo contigo quando dizer que te confere personalidade. Isso é sem dúvida. Muito gira *

  6. Aww! i love your peplum! x


  7. o top peplum é muito giro.


  8. Adoro :) estes tons de berry, burgundy e afins ficam-te mesmo bem, ainda por cima com o teu tom de cabelo, fica mesmo perfeito! Gosto muito do top e das calças... não esquecendo as sandálias! quanto às meias é mesmo uma questão de gosto pessoal, é original e arrojado, eu gosto de ver <3


  9. Não gosto de ver sandálias com meias mas adoro o resto. A conjugação de cores está mesmo perfeita :)

  10. adorei tudo menos as meias e sandalias (mas é so a minha opinão)
    nao consegui tirar os olhos da peplum

  11. Olha essa cor combina muito bem com o teu cabelo por acaso! Preferes escrever em inglês é? :)
    Bom estudo! depois disso descansas um bocadinho..


  12. Estás muito bonita nesse conjunto! Esse peplum é perfeito :)

  13. gosto tanto da camisola e das calças :)

  14. acho que ficas mt bem com esse jeans.ADORO a cor do top e sempre achei piada quando conjugas as meias com as sandalias.

    eu só o faço ao fim de semana porque no trabalho so posso usar roupa mais formal,trabalho com um publico mais.."careta"!


  15. Odeio o Halloween mas amei o look! :)

  16. so n gosto das meias! e n tiveste frio? :P
    o peplum é lindo!

  17. Adorei o look :D a camisola é pefect!

    kiss *

  18. Gostei muito! :p
    Vou obrigar-te a usar esse look assim que volte! hahaha :D
    (mas essas meiinhas deixas em casa ursaa hah ):p

  19. Top muito giro agora meias com sandálias só me fazem lembrar os turistas que veem cá a Portugal.

  20. Adorei o look mas meias com sandalias achei um erro enorme. Mas as sandalias combinavam na perfeição.


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