23 junho 2013

Personal | Beach at last, new shoes and rings!

Another week of boring studying that ended with some beach action!
I had to bring my huge study book along, I got a burn in my back even though I applied sun screen,
and managed to convince my little sister to let me photograph her and also do so pictures of me!
I'll show them to you in the next days!

I'll leave you with the details of this week:


Mais uma semana aborrecida a estudar (isto nunca mais acaaaaaba!), que culminou com a primeira ida à  praia!
O tempo estava bom, o livro de Pneumologia veio comigo (embora tenha lido pouco), 
apanhei um escaldão mesmo com protector solar 50 (típico), mas ainda consegui convencer a minha irmã a deixar-se fotografar por mim
E a tirar-me algumas (250) fotos também!!!

Mostrarei o resultado ao longo dos próximos dias!
Para já deixo-vos com os detalhes desta semaninha:

First beach daaaaay!!!

New gorgeous riiiiiing!

Studying in bed!

Subway madness!

My baby cousin and I are converse twiiiiinz!

Wow, I can actually make a non-side braid! Impressive! Hahaha

Homemade pizza - mommy spoils us!

Stole my sister's slippers! I'm so bad ass!

It's good...but it would be better without the over-burned parts!

Beloved Low Luv X Erin Wasson earrings that I never wear! Shame on me!

Homemade burguer...yummy and healthier!

Who loved my sandals from Calçado Talento??? They're super comfy! Have you seen them in action here?

Cherries for the first time!

Sun protectors!

Francesinha time! (again...)

My loyal beach companion! The life of a medicine finalist sucks indeed!

I got myself a nice ribbon mark in my back! And I wore 50 UV protection (and applied it more than once!)

I'm gonna re-start Ballet...at home! 
Just downloaded the Royal Academy of Dance Intermediate and Advanced DVD...and baby it's time to dance!

images from @myfashioninsider at Instagram

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