20 dezembro 2013

Sets & Details | Full black


fake leather leggings: c/o She Inside | beanie: Lefties | black wedge boots: c/o Eureka

Já não me lembrava da última vez em que tinha usado um conjunto todo em preto, por isso resolvi que hoje seria o dia!
Quando pesquisei, percebi que provavelmente foi aqui, há quase 1 ano.

E vocês, costumam usar muito preto, ou nem por isso?


I couldn't remember the last time I dress entirely in black,
but after a quick search I realized it was probably this one, a year ago!

So I figured, it's that time of the year again, to dress like a widow and stuff.
So bring to you this outfit! Hope you will like it.

Do you dress in full black often, or not really?

Reviewed items (marked as "c/o") where sponsored by the referred brands. Opinions expressed are honest and true.
Clicking or purchasing through the links/images in this post may yield commissions for my blog.

1 comentário:

  1. Boa tarde!! Otimos itens...ahh a toca e lindaaa..como usei tocas ( gorrinhos) no inverno da Arg..


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