07 fevereiro 2014

Sets & Details | Honey, I'm home!


pink sweater: Amisu | grey leggings: c/o Romwe | pink slippers: ask my mom

Hoje trago-vos uma novidade: um post sobre home wear!
Quem não gosta de se sentir confortável e quentinha em casa enquanto a chuva cai lá fora?
Preparem-se para umas fotos mais caseiras e simples do que o costume...em breve!


Today I bring you something new: home wear!
Who doesn't like to feel all comfy and warm at home, while the raining is pouring outside?
Well, that's exactly what I'll share later...stay tuned for the simples, homiest photos ever!

Reviewed items (marked as "c/o") where sponsored by the referred brands. Opinions expressed are honest and true.
Clicking or purchasing through the links/images in this post may yield commissions for my blog.

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