06 junho 2010

+100 Followers Special Post

Hi everyone! While I was gone from posting, I was granted with the change of getting 100 FOLLOWERS!!! YAY!!! Can't believe that about a month ago I had 37...

Most of the bloggers I see make a giveaway or something like that to celebrate this kind of accomplish... Unfortunately, I still have to learn how to deal with that...

Nevertheless, I couldn't let this special day past without a special post. Therefore, I will share with you some of the most inner things about me... It's a way of saying THANK YOU for being there! You can know me a bit better through all this NOT fashion nor writing related stuff:

1º Baby pic!!! Yes, this is me!!! I was about 3 years old!

2º A tiny view of a waltz I danced with my boyfriend back in September 2009. I warn you, I've only had like 2-3 hours of dancing classes by then, so it's really...something... haha. You can see our friend Mariana playing the piano!

3º A drawing made by me with hints from my bf. Yeah, I know, I'm not an artist at all! :P

4º Me singing a song I wrote for my boyfriend from the "A Moment More" song by Mindy Smith. It's named "Future Mist". If you want to see more singing (though I don't know why you would! :P) just ask! I can post more videos!

You can check the lyrics here:

Future Mist by Nádia

Kiss me
For you know the end is coming
We want this
With every single cell

I cant believe
Ive got to know the wind,
To fell is passionate sorrow
As braiding in your laces,
My flame could go on

You gave me
A pearl to keep me shining,
You tinted me,
And turned me into art.

Its not enough for me
To have a life,
When I can have all eternity.

Oh, breathe my breath
And the night will not tell us apart
Were so close
When I drop my eyes,
Well be one soul
And death will steel us
In her arms tonight.

Were the same matter,
Meant to die together.
Why deny?
They know weve seen the light.

With our wings
We cannot dive the ground,
How pretend
To differ from the odd?



Again, thank you soooo much for being there!!!

10 comentários:

  1. adorei o post.
    realmente uma boa maneira de comemorar os 100 seguidores :)

    Beijinho e parabéns :)


  2. You and your boyfriend are so cute together!! I love the lyrics of the song too! So romantic and sweet! xoxoxoxoo

  3. Absolutely beautiful post!! It is lovely :)
    And Congratulations on the 100 folowers (I hope I get there one day! But I've got a long way to go! haha)
    Love your blog hun

    Miss Violet Bell.xx

  4. congratulations! the photgraph of you and your boyfriend is so cute.. and you sing beautifully! :)



  5. Congratulations! 100 is quite the occasion!
    I just want to pinch your cheeks in that first photo!!


  6. congrats! Sometimes it can go quick with followers!

  7. Thanks soooo much for all the support! You guys are truly the sweetest!!! <3

  8. Este comentário foi removido por um gestor do blogue.


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