24 julho 2010

Second blog award

Behold my second blog award given by Cáti, the girl from http://behindmyglossyeyes.blogspot.com/. Thanks so much, sweetie!

My blog award goes to 15 of the many blogs I love! Sorry for those missing! :)

So, by no particular order:

If you want to collect your award, the rules are:

1. Post the award on your blog
2. Link the person who has given you the award
3. Pass the award to other 15 blogs you've discovered
4. Let these 15 people know that you've given them an award

5 comentários:

  1. :) de nada querida! ah, também adoro a maioria desses blogs !

    Espero que as férias estejam a ser boas ;)


  2. Congrats on the award!!! happy weekend xoxo

  3. Congrats on the award, and thank you very much for passing it on to me! <3

  4. Congratulations! And thankyou for the award!




Partilha o que pensas

Se preferires, podes contactar-me através do meu Instagram @_nadiasepulveda ou do e-mail nadiamsepulveda@gmail.com.
Recorda-te, no entanto, que não se fazem consultas via instagram ou e-mail!