20 novembro 2010

It's time to shine!

FINALLY got my first double ring!!! And isn't it BEAUTIFUL?! It's from Parfois and cost 4,99€!

Now, I finally got a beautiful umbrella!!! It's from Zara and cost 17,95€. I couldn't resist this Limited Edition!

Got my paws on a black lace shirt at last!!! I was craving for it LOTS! It's from H&M and cost 9,95 €!

These are dark times I'm living in... Literally... Speaking of which: Harry Potter was GREAT!

I'll be back with a new outfit post soon!


8 comentários:

  1. Ooooh, someone went shopping : ) Love all your purchases!

    Hope to see Harry Potter next week some time when the crowds have died down a bit.


  2. oh, temos mesmo gostos parecidos! Também ando á procura de aneis duplos, o teu é lindo! e queria uma camisola de renda tb pa usar por baixo de um vestido ou com um corpete :)

    Espero que melhores, querida! Qualquer coisa manda sms :)
    Fica bem <3


  3. I've wanted a double ring for so long! that one is lovely :)

  4. I absolutely love that lace blouse! I haven't spotted it at H&M, but you've inspired me to keep my eye out for it! I've bought a similar one from Free People, only it has little flowers on it. I think lace blouses are always great for layering. Your double ring is so pretty, too!

    *Claudia* x

  5. Love your double rings sweetie :)


  6. adorei o anel! fui a uma parfois mas não encontrei :( queria oferece-lo a uma amiga minha

    um beijinho, adoro o blog :)


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