24 maio 2011

I need to pick flowers with you again

I'm so sorry that I've hurt you, I was not supposed to, I should only make you smile, your beautiful smile... You looked so beautiful the other day, you were actually glowing, and I felt so sad. So sad that I ever made you hurt! So afraid that I would ever lose you! I really don't want to! You're one of the persons I love the most in the whole world! I don't know if you could ever truly forgive me, is it me, or is it something broken? Did I miss-behave too badly this time? Did I cross the line and step into the precipice? I really wish I didn't... Your friendship is one of the most value things in my life... 

Can you find the strength to hold my hand once again, so we can pick gorgeous flowers and gossip over life again?

EDIT: It was sooo good to see the stars with you yesterday! I felt so happy again! My heart was kind of heavy, but receiving all those tiny little friendship gestures, made it ease.
Thanks for being there! It truly means a lot!
não sei se vais ler estas palavras e perceber que são tuas...
Mas aconteça o que acontecer, ADORO-TE manita. Para sempre!


Liu Xu & Hyun Yi by Lina Scheynius for Dazed & Confused June 2011

14 comentários:

  1. Bonitas imagens, lindas palavras, doces gestos :)

  2. Que lindas imagems, tao relaxantes..o que eu estava a precisar depois de um dia tao aterefado e dois filhotes a chamarem constantemente :mama!!!!

  3. lovely photographs and words ♥

    Eda ♥


  4. As imagens coordenam-se muito bem com as palavras...espero que tudo se resolva entre vocês.

  5. Adorei este editorial!


  6. espero que a mensagem chegue a quem se destina. Boas as palavras e as imagens que as ilustram**

  7. que post tão queridinho :) para além de que as fotos são perfeitas :D

  8. Fotos adoráveis. A segunda faz-me lembrar um cartaz :) bonito

  9. ela é uma das minhas fotografas preferidas....!!!! <3

  10. Adoro criaturas orientais, são possuidoras de uma beleza austera mas ao mesmo tempo delicada! Editorial soberbo e inspirador.

  11. This is such a beautiful post Nadia! I feel as if you just wrote down everything I'm feeling about certain someone in my life. Lovely pictures too! xxoxooo


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