25 outubro 2013

Sets & Details | Black and white is always good!


white masculine coat: c/o Choies | black stilettos: Zara (similar) | lunch bag: c/o In My Orange

Este conjunto preto e branco, com o meu casaco branco novo (fiiiiinalmente tenho um!), será o último em algum tempo.
Este fim-de-semana escreverei, muito provavelmente, os últimos posts antes do exame de 21 de Novembro.
Mas, enquanto isso não chega, espero que gostem do último conjunto...fotografias mais logo!


 This black and white outfit, featuring my new white coat (fiiiinally!) is gonna be my last in a long while.
This weekend will be the last of posting before 21th November exam...at least I am pretty positive of it!
I will miss this blog, of course, but I really need to focus. But there's still a few more days ahead of us!

Reviewed items (marked as "c/o") where sponsored by the referred brands. Opinions expressed are honest and true.
Clicking or purchasing through the links/images in this post may yield commissions for my blog.

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