07 outubro 2010

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to My Fashion Insider!!!



I absolutely love fashion, so I decided to come up with this new blog. Why? Because I want to share my thoughts with everyone. In one hand, I plan to have a sort of clothing diary and post my very own pics. On the other hand, I'll be posting everything I love about the fashion world, including models, designers, editorials, campaigns... Hope you enjoy it!


Can't believe that a YEAR as gone by already!!! After almost 1.400 posts, over 1.780 comments, around 300 followers (google+bloglovin'), a lot of work and tones of reflections, inspirations, stories and silly pictures of myself, here I am, blowing the candles of my sweet little baby...

So many things changed, so many lessons learned... I've discover a new way of expression my deep love for the art of fashion, both in dressing up and appreciating designers and photographers work...

Meanwhile, I discover the fashion blogosphere, developing friendships and acquiring fashion icons!

I've LEARNED HOW TO FLY here, and I'll continue to travel the world!!!

Thanks for ALL THE SUPPORT you guys continue to give me!!! I can't find the words to say how much I LOVE to be a blogger, to get to share everything wilh all of you!!!

And, since I'm feeling happily nostalgic today, why not a tiny game, called:


No need to tell you which is which, right? ;)

Yeap, first one is the FIRST ever Style Diary look here in My Fashion Insider!

Fresh air, new hair color, a boost of confidence, outside pictures and an AWESOME photographer (big kiss, my love) did the trick!!! And, of course, your inspiring support! :)))

8 comentários:

  1. Happy one year Nadia!! :) And hopefully many more to come ;)

    Loveeee that first picture of you in the black dress <3


  2. Parabéns :) Adoro o facto de mostrares o antes e depois. A foto com o outfit preto está mesmo bem.

    Espero ter tantos seguidores como tu quando o meu fizer um ano xP ahah mas parece-me que tens mais jeitinho para a coisa. =P

  3. Parabéns ao blog, a ti e ao fotógrafo :)
    E que mais anos venham para continuarmos a passar por cá...

    the scrapbook from my shoes

  4. Happy B-day <3

    my deeeeear minhota... hahah :D Parabéns ao blog fantástico!

    :D* xoxo


    Orgulho-me de ser uma das seguidoras x) venho sempre aqui dar uma espreitadela *

    beijinhos e continua assim <3


  6. Congratulations, babe, that's really an achievement in the blogging world! Looking forward to following you for another year!

  7. Blogging paid off a lot, dear! You grew up in style and inspiration!!!
    And I can't wait you rocking the Zara skirt below since I have my eye on it, too :)

  8. Happy birthday ! Hope you'll keep blogging for a long long time :)


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Recorda-te, no entanto, que não se fazem consultas via instagram ou e-mail!