05 junho 2013

Sets & Details | The ones that (almost) got away!


blue pink and blue earrings: c/o Romwe  | pink sandals: Zara TRF (similar here and here) | maxi navy blue dress: Dotti (similar here, here and here)

I can't believe I had to think for days before ordering these gorgeous earrings!!! Was I blind or something?
Thank god, I realized how amazing they were and how they completely belonged in my earring collection timely!

Decided to pair them with my new navy blue maxi dress and these pink heels that seldom see the light!
Curious already?


Não acredito que quase deixei estes fantásticos brincos escapar! 
Não sei o que me passou pela cabeça, eles claramente tinham de pertencer à minha colecção de brincos!
Quando os vi ao vivo, percebi que a escolha tinha sido mais que acertada!

Resolvi usá-los com algo muito simples, este vestido azul marinho e os sapatos rosa que tão poucas vezes vêem o sol!
Quem quer ver o que vai sair daqui?

Reviewed items (marked as "c/o") where sponsored by the referred brands. Opinions expressed are honest and true.

Clicking or purchasing through the links/images in this post may yield commissions for my blog.

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